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WTP-Pipeline, Ø 1.000 mm, steam 18 bar


After LOB’s highly successful introduction of the WTP-system® (heat exchanging plates) as an economical alternative of tempering pressure vessels, numerous tests and experiments have demonstrated the capability of this technology to heat double-jacket pipelines more efficiently.

This system can be applied to almost every pipe dimension. Even parts like pipe bends can be equipped, these can either be designed with 2 half-shells or as segment pipe bends. The flow of the service medium is crucial when designing the WTP system.

The arrangement of the pipeline during operation must be taken into account. Each pipeline is specially designed for its specific location during operation. Both heating and cooling medium, whether liquid or gaseous, can be used as service medium.

The optimal positioning and design of the inlet and outlet nozzles is designed in close contact with our customers and their requirements for heat transfer and pressure loss. Free areas, for nozzles, that lead into the inside of the pipeline, or brackets, are planned into the top plate of the WTP system and the service medium is routed around these areas. This leads to a higher heat transfer area compared to a double jacket. Tension, which arises from the different dimensions of such nozzles and the double jacket, are also absorbed by the free areas in the top plate.

Besides energy-related benefits, the WTP-system® offers a multitude of design advantages compared with the double-jacket.

These advantages become clear purely on a theoretical consideration of the system’s construction: A pipeline with a rated width of 300 would need a double-jacket for a rated width of 400. By comparison, a WTP-system® with at least the same performance would entail a maximum increase of just 12 mm in pipe cross-section. Accordingly, WTP-pipelines are not nearly as rigid as double-jacket pipes of similar performances, and eliminate the need for several compensators.

In case of double-jacket systems, complex geometries involving, for instance, vessels or pipes with many passages, apertures or flange connections, can only be realized through elaborate and expensive design measures. By contrast, a WTP-system® permits efficient and cost-effective tempering of such components too. A WTP-system is a viable alternative particularly at a high external pressure, this variable not playing any role in calculations of the internal pipe’s thickness, thus resulting in smaller wall thicknesses and more effective heat transfer. The WTP-system® also guarantees uniform flow through cavities forming parts of complex geometries.

WTP-Pipeline, Ø 1.000 mm, steam 18 bar
Tel.: 0221 / 82953- 0 | E-Mail: info@lob-gmbh.de

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